Love Heals

Doreen Virtue

Foto: Regina Rau - Doreen Virtue - VEGAN Kongress Oktober 2012 in Hamburg

on the VEGAN Congress in Hamburg on 13. October 2012
in the CCH - Hall - Organizer Wrage

Foto: Regina Rau - Doreen Virtue - VEGAN Kongress Oktober 2012 in Hamburg
Doreen Virtue
Food And Spirituality
"Go Vegan" - What The Angels Say About Our Food

Who wants to read Doreens lecture in German, can do it here.

I warmly thank you dear Doreen - for your
expressed permission for the publication

Audio, Textversion by Regina F. Rau

Lecture time: 91 Minutes

Liebe heilt - Inhalt
Doreen Virtue Markus Rothkranz Rüdiger Dahlke Christian Vagedes
Bruno Weihsbrodt Ingrid Kraaz von Rohr Erwin Mischkin Regina F. Rau
Foto: Regina Rau - Doreen Virtue - VEGAN Kongress Oktober 2012 in Hamburg
AUDIO - Go Vegan -
at the 1st VEGAN Kongress in Hamburg 10/2012
Organic vegetables,
Angel Detox
Vegan Protein Sources, Angel Detox
Raw Vegan Pregnancy and Parenting, Angel Detox
Meditation - Archangel Raphael (green Light) -
in Montreal 2012





Interview with Doreen Virtue in April 2011
in Japan by Doreen Virtue and Mark Watson
Obsidian's "Oceans" with Doreen mermaid & dolphins
Meet Your
Guardian Angels
Chakra Clearing
wirh Doreen Virtue

Preface by moderator Tom R. Schulz
Vortragslänge 91 Minuten.
Unfortunately I could not capture the whole preface of the moderators.
I write down here - what I had recorded on the device (comment of Regina)

Moderator Tom R. Schulz… and then all this wonderful french cheese - französischen Käse - oh, do not let*s talk about..

In spite of ther angellike subtlety, Doreen is a bare-knuckle Vegan in all the good properties, which are connected therein. Most of you may not know her yet, this could be exciting.

Currently Doreen Virtue is surely one of the most famous angel mediums in the world. She has written many books. She's got a background in psychology and has worked a long time with addicted children. Her life resumé is really very interesting. This resumé means also - I think it was exactly at this stage here, some years ago - that she was standing on the stage with a pink Fender e-guitar and played the rhythm guitar in the Band of Mark Watson.

Well, Doreen Virtue is really quite a comprehensive appearance. And today she will talk to you mainly about vegan diet. And it would be very surprising, when the angels should not matter...

Doreen Virtue

Doreen Virtue Ph.D. ist eine amerikanische Autorin. Sie beschreibt sich selbst als spiritueller Doktor der Psychologie. Sie hat einen Doktortitel in Psychotherapie und ist Gründerin und ehemalige Leiterin der Frauenwelt "Psychiatrischen Krankenhauses" für Frauen im "Cumberland Hall Hospital" in Nashville, Tennessee, sowie Gründerin ihres Markenzeichens geistiger Heilmethode: "Angel Therapy". Doreen hat über 50 Bücher geschrieben, darunter eine Sammlung von Orakel Kartendecks zum Thema "Engel" und anderen Themen des neuen Zeitalters.

here you can listen to Doreen's lecture: audio

Hello everybody

This is a nice intimate setting. How many of you have I met before? (Many people raise their hands) So many - ok good! I am so glad to be here. I love coming to Hamburg. I flew here all the way from Hawaii mostly to be here, because I believe in this conference so much. And I'm committed to helping Wrage to build this Vegan Conference. So it is every year. And it becomes bigger and bigger.

So, I wanna beginn by just thanking you, thank you so much from my heart for being here for this conference. It means so much to me, that you are here.

So, I have been a vegan since 1996. I'm a strict vegan. And I've been able to do it, while travelling around the world every year. Which - as you know - isn't always easy. But it can be done and I've shown, that it can be done. I remember the first time I came to Germany many years ago. And there was one Vegetarian Restaurant. And I don't remember which city it was, because it was on a multy-city Germany tour. And it was in October. It was quite cold that year to me. And so rumor - I found this one restaurant, that served tofu and vegetables and organic and such.
And what I remember most is that the smokers - those who smoke cigarettes - had to sit inside this restaurant. If you were a nonsmoker, you had to sit outside. So, the food was good, but I was freezing. And then, if you go inside - all the cigarettes where there - and I was just thinking: "What is this?!" But I'm sure they've changed, because the whole world has changed - have you noticed?

My background is that both of my parents who are very healthy, who don't even have grey hair all the way and have been vegetarian pretty much their whole life. And so I was raised almost completely vegetarian. We would have some turkey at the United States "Thanks Giving". And then we would have fish, sometimes. But pretty much I was raised vegetarian.

Strong Weight Consciousness in California

And besides that I grew up in California: in California there is so much pressure to keep your weight low as a woman. And as a child - growing up in California - if you were overweight, the other children would make terrible fun of you.

So being a sensitive child - one oft he things that I noticed, ist hat: because oft he weight-consciousness in California - very vew people would eat red meat. But a lot of people in California believe, that to keep their weight low they go on this high protein diet - of just chicken and fish.

And so when I was first giving my angel readings with people - and I was still in Mediumship, talking to their angels. At that time I was eating a lot of vegetables. But I was still eating fish - and some chicken because of this diet, that was just normal at that time for me.

And I just didn't even think anything about that. Of course - you know I did my best to be ecological. I always recycled, I would use eco-friendly clean supplies and shampoo. And all my fruits and vegetables were organic. But for some reason - at that time, in my life I was unconscious and disconnected from fish and chicken and cheese and how it was affecting me. Now - if you've taken any of my classes or you've read my books, you know that I teach a lot about angels. And I've been working with angels my whole life. And you also know that I teach that angels only help you, when you ask for their help. So - they respect your freewill choices.

So, when I was first giving readings to other people - and what that means - as I was telling them, what their angels were saying. I had spent many many years as an eating disorder counseller. And as an eating disorder counseller I was helping mostly women.

And this was in California, which as I told you, is a very very weight conscious place. And so I was helping women, who had developed eating disorders because of this weight consciousness. And I had written two books on the topic "The Jojo diet syndrome" - it is about how your weight goes up and down because of your emotions.

And I had also written two other books:
1. "Loosing your pounds of pain" - and that book was about my doctoral dissertation. And that was about how children who were abused very often grow up to develop eating disorders. And then my other book on food is called "constant craving". And this was based on research I had done in my eating disorder practice.
Where I found, that if you told me, what food you are craving, I could tell you what was going on in your life. And my book
2. "Constant Craving" was about what properties were in each of this foods. As far as chemistry makeup and texture, that effected your emotions.

o o

And so I was doing at that time. I was going to NewYork City on a Television Studio or Station called "The Food Network" And I was giving what we call foodreadings. Well, people would call into this TV-Station - and they would tell me, that they could crave chocolate bars or pizza or ricepudding or whatever.
And based on what they told me which food they were craving, I could tell that person a lot about themselves. Because your body knows, what it needs. Your body wants to have homeostasis, which means balance. And if you're upset about something - and you're not dealing with that issue, you are going to develop a craving to help balance yourself.

So I was working with my angels more publicly with people as I said. And I felt like there was this block, or this wall, were I knew I could see and hear my angels more clearly, when this block was removed.

How Can I See You Angels More Clearly?
What blocks our life energy sources and our "third eye"
Animal Proteine blocks our Higher Connection the most

But I didn't know what the block was. So I asked the angels: how can I become more clairvoyant.

I asked them: "How can I see you angels more clearly?". And when you ask the angels something, they always answer you. You don't have to be special, you don't have to be specially trained. They always answer everyone's questions.
But a lot of times, the answers of the angels give to you, don't seem to make any sense, or they don't seem to be connected to the question.

And this was that kind of a case for me.

So right after I asked how to be more clairvoyant, I started to see pictures in my mind of chicken. And I could see little chunks of chicken meat in my mind. And I thought: "What is this about?" I did not connect it to the question at all. And it just kept continuing. Well, I could close my eyes and all I could see, was chicken.

So I finale talked to a friend of mine, who was far along the spiritual path and I asked my angels for further clarification.

What they told me, blew my mind. The angels said, that everything that we eat, and drink, and put on our skin, has an energy or life force. And they said that when you eat, drink or put things on your skin, which have a high life force. It raises your vibrations.

And they said, that the highest life force was something that was freshly picked and organic. And they did tell me - the vision they showed me of the highest vibration: it was always fruit! Because the whole plant is retained - and the fruit is, what the plant gives, what the tree gives you. The plant wants you to take the fruit, because that's how the seeds are distributed.

And they said: the low life force comes from foods, that are dead. They said that there is different degrees of life force. So they said that food that's microwaved has very little life force. A food that's frozen or cooked very hot has very low life force. They said that anything, that would kill you, will kill the life force in the food. So they said for instance - they said to me: could you life in a microwave or freezer? And of course not!
They also told me, that a blender kills life force - just like it would kill us to be in a blender. They said, that life force will only stay there for about 20 Minutes after something is blended.

So they just said: if you want to know just think "could I life in that?" Then they said, that pesticides - anything with pesticides has very low life force. Because the word pesticide means kill insects. (Comment: lat. pestis = scourge, plague and lat. caedere = kill).

And so that energy of killing had intention with pesticides is very low energy. And when you eat pesticides, that agression from the pesticides affects you and makes you feel agressive.

When the angels told me this, I changed what I was feeding my sons - to organic food. And just from changing the salad that they have with dinner every night - from a regular salad to organic salad - I watched my sons completely change. My sons became gentle, they became sweeter. That little boy aggression energy just was gone. And all I did was just change from regular lattice and regular tomatoes to organic.

And the angels said, that the lowest life force comes from any animal product, where the animal has suffered. Well, I am not here to tell you, what happens to animals, because I'm assuming, you already know. Is that right? You already know?

All This Suffering Only Because Of The Money

Where I come from in America, the animals are treated so so bad. I mean it's just criminal how the animals are treated in America. And America is a very young country, that only cares about money. And there is other countries that are horrible to animals, too.

But the angels said that, because there is such a focus on making money by the farmers in America, they literally just don't care about the chickens or the pigs or the cows they have. The just don't care. They don't care about people's health. And so in Amerika most of the animals receive anti-biotics and growth-hormons. And people in Amerika eat that way every day.

All The Energy With Which We Surround Ourselves
And Which We Eat, Is Having An Impact On Us
When the energie is bright and full of vital life force, it strengthens and sensitizes us positively
When the energie is dark and destructive, it weakens and de
sensitizes us negatively

And the angels said, that when you eat something that has suffered, the suffering energy goes in you.
My personal belief is that every animal who is slaughtered, suffers! But I think, some suffer more than others. Many animals have happy lifes and then have a slaughter at the end - that's horrible! And their life force energy would be higher than an animal, that has been kept in a little tiny pin its whole life and is tortured its whole life.

So what the angels showed me is that when people eat this energy every day, like it is normal in Amerika, they become very effected by it. It makes them desensitized to suffering and aggression. And so they start to not care. And it is one of the reasons, why people act very aggressively, because they are eating this energy of aggression.

I also think it is one of the reasons why we have so much depression in this world, because the animal was depressed, when it was killed. Animals who go into slaughterhouses know that they are about to be slaughtered. They are very intuitive. They here the cries of the other animals who are being slaughtered. And all of those endorphins go into the meat, that people eat.

The"Third Eye " ... Clear View - and Clairvoyance
and what blocks our Higher Connection

And the animal products, that are not meat - such as cheese and yoghurt and butter and milk - are also effected by the suffering.

So the more recent work I have done - spiritually, with veganism - has to do with helping people to be clairvoyant. I have had many classes, it were extremely small classes on purpose. So running this classes with 14 to 20 people. And one of the reasons I have these very small classes is so that I could do this energy work with clearing what is called "the third eye". And I would look inside the "third eye" psychically … and I would see the energy, that was blocking that person from being able to see. And I did this for many many years and personally worked with hundreds of people to clear their "third eye".

The "third eye" is also called "the mind's eye". It is the visual center inside your mind, were you can see pictures. So if I asked you to think about your mother and just visualize her, you could see a picture of your mother in your "minds eye". And the place were you've seen that picture - is your "third eye". And you can see very very vividly in ways that can help you and help others.

A lot of the work I do, is about things that are going on globally. Since I was a little girl, the angels showed me pictures about the future. And they were always right. And the things they show me, always come true. And when I did this classes with people: what I noticed, is that their third eye - when they could not see - had a block, that had to do with something they were eating or drinking. And the path that the "third eye" gave us this information was exactly as it had happened to me.

Ask Your Angels: "How Can I See (You) More Clearly?"

Remember when I told you, that I asked the angels: "how can I see you more clearly?" and I started to get more pictures of chicken in my mind. And at that time I was eating chicken and fish and cheese and yoghurt.

And when they told me, that - when I was eating chicken - I was eating the energy of this pain, I was so surprised. So I immediately stopped eating chicken. And what I noticed is, that all the sudden my visions became so clear.

The angels told me, that I could still eat fish, because the fish I was eating, was wild caught. And they said, the fish had a good life. I continued to eat fish and cheese and yoghurt, but no chicken.

Until one day - back in 1969 - when I was cooking a piece of swordfish for myself. And I saw some blood from the fish in the pan. And I had this realization: "Oh my God - that is blood from an actual being, from a sentient fish. And something - to me, and I knew that I do not have the right to take anyones life! And cheese and yoghurt followed soon, when the angels explained to me, that the energy of the animal products was bringing me down.

The Diary Industry Is Very Closely Connected With The Veal Industry

In America the dairy industry is completely connected to the veal industry. So when the cow is pregnant, the baby is taken away from her. And they put the baby into a very small pan, were the baby cannot move, because they don't want the baby to develop muscles. And the poor baby, that has just been taken from it's mother now has no sunlight and can't move. And then it is killed very young to be veal.

Veal is probably the most cruel of all the foods, that we could possibly eat.

And when we drink milk - in Amerika or have milk-products, we are giving money to the veal industry. In Europe of course, you are much more farther progressed than in America. But if you are still drinking or eating dairy-products, please do research to see, how your farmers are treating the their cows.

Because, the angels have said, that the problems in the world are going to be solved by you and me. And they said, that the main way - is by using the money which we spend to make sure, that it goes to companies, you believe in.

Because, the angels have said, that the problems in the world
are going to be solved by you and me.

And they said, that the main way - is by using the money which we spend
to make sure, that it goes to companies, you believe in.

So as I was saying - I gave these small classes with 14 to 20 people, and do clearing on the "third eye". And I want to tell you, what blocks the "third eye" mostly. And this is if you want to increase your spiritual power.

Coffein Blocks Your "Third Eye" Almost As Much As The Animal Protein

The number one block - directly behind the animal products (as Doreen expressively emphasies at the question time) - of seeing energy with the third eye - is coffein. And I appologize, if this offends anyone. I'm not here to judge you - I'm simply giving you information.

Anxiety & Strain - Come From: Coffee, Tea, Soda (lemonades & mineral waters)

And I am telling you that the number one thing I've cleared out of people's "third eye" is there is this cloud or this haze around it, from coffee, tea and soda. And what happens is, that coffee tea and soda - yes they increase your energy - but they also increase your anxiety.

Coffein makes you more likely to worry. And it makes you project into the future - to think: what might happen that is bad in the future. Coffein also makes your muscles uptight and tense. It can lead to muscular problems. The lower self with the ego tries to tell us, that we need coffein for energy. And I used to believe that, too. I drank a pot of coffee every day. And I used to drink diet Cola. I liked the taste - and I liked, how it made me feel. But what happened because I was drinking so much coffein? I couldn't sleep at night!

So I had to drink wine at night to make myself turn off all that coffein - and sleep. So it was going up, down - up, down - up, down - every day. And I was getting nowhere in life.

Message Of The Angels:
You don't need Coffein as your Energy Source - Any Energy comes from God (= good

So the angels told me: "You don't need coffee for energy. They said: "All Energy comes from God!" They said: "God is everywhere - including inside you - therefore all the energy you need is inside of you!" And I argued with the angels about this. I said: "You don't know what it is like here on earth. It is really hard here!" (The audience laughs)

And so they said - they gave me not a challenge, but it was almost that. They said: "Just way down to one cup of coffee a day." And they said: "Just see, how you feel after one cup of coffee!" I didn't think I could do it, as a busy busy mother and with a job and so much to do. I thought I needed my
coffee to get everything done. They said instead: "just try it". So what I did, I asked the angels to support me and give me help, so that I didn't crave the coffee. And they are very happy to do that, for anyone who asks.

So it was like a miracle. I went down to one cup of coffee a day without any headaches, without any withdraws without awful cravings. And what I noticed is that my mind could suddenly focus. And because I could focus, I was able to manifest much more efficiently.

My mind didn't go all over the place, I wasn't worrying so much, my skin started to look better - and the angels then said: "Ok - you're gonna loose that last cup of coffee!" And I said: "Really, sinceriously?" And they said: "You don't need this! You're source of energy is God - not that coffee!" They actually told me, that I was giving adoratory powers to that cup of coffee, I was saying that that was God, that was my source.. That's how I was.

If You Have More Energy, That Means That You Have More Time

So I said: "Alright…!" And that was back in 1996. And I travel through every timezone constantly. And I'm telling you that I have more energy now, since I gave up coffein.
And when you have more energy - you have more time, because you don't get tired so much. So you have more effective hours per day when you have more energy.

So that's the first thing that blocks the "third eye".
(comment by Regina: the first thing after the animal products)

Cheese Blocks Your Spiritual Powers

The second most common thing, that blocks the spiritual power - is cheese
(comment by Regina: the first thing after the animal products)

What they showed me is, that it is very much like if your frying something at home with a lot of oil - and that oil goes everywhere. So there is this filminess, this oiliness around the "third eye". And it is very much like if you took a piece of cheese and put it on a window. Just scrape that piece of cheese on the window. You could not see through that window.

The angels said: "If people want to see the future, if they wanna to see energy - and they're still eating a lot of cheese, they might as well put a piece of cheese right here (Doreen pretends putting a big piece of cheese right at the place of the "third eye". The audience is laughing) And it is even worse, that the cheese comes from cows that suffered.

And so I said: "Ok, this is getting too much. Ok, so I've given up meat, I gave up coffee, I gave up wine. And now cheese, too?! This is not gonna be any fun at all!" And I did - I resented it. But they said: "We're gonna give you substitutes, because we know you enjoy the taste and the texture of cheese." And I'm not talking about that fake vegan cheese, it tastes horrible (the audience laughs laudly and enjoys her words). It's … it's just horrible. What is that. That is not cheese. That's a block of soup or plastic or something like this.

So the angels said: "We want you to try eating hummus - as a substitute."
(Comment by Regina: Hummus (there are many similar names) is an oriental speciality, which is made from pureed chickpeas, sesame-puree (Tahin), olive oil, lemon juice, salt and spices as garlic, persil, (Chili) and cumin).

So you are familiar with hummus?

It's a ground up chickpeas with garlic and olive oil. And if you are allergic to garlic you could put other seasonings in it.

Eating Bread Depresses Your Feelings
Like this we bottle up ourselves - and that is why we suffer adiposis

And so - that was, when I became Vegan. So pretty much they stripped everything away from me. And then - just when I thought, there would be nothing more that can remain from my diet, about five years ago - they told me to go glutenfee. (the audience laughs) Anyone else got that 'memo'?
(audience: some raise their hands). Are other glutenfree vegans here? (Yes)

We should have our own support group! (the audience laughs)

But glutenfree is actually a bene blessing for me. I don't know about you - but I love to eat. Anyone else love food and love to eat? (the audience laughs). Do you know that food is the only addiction, that you can't quit completely. If you're an alcoholic, you can quit drinking alcohol. The same with drugs and smoking and gambling. But with food - unless you are ready to become a breatharian, you've got to eat. Your addiction everyday.

So I told you, that I wrote this book constant craving about the connection between emotions and eating. And so I have a whole chapter about bread in that book. When we think of bread, we usually think of wheatbread. Now this is interesting for Vegans. Because I'm sure you've all heard from people who are not vegans: "Well, plants have feelings, too!" - "You're murdering plants, by being a vegan", they say.
And that is one reason, why people become fruitarians and just eat fruit. The silliest argument that I hear from people who eat meat - they say this to me on facebook all the time - and I have to resist - being smart aleck back to them. They say to me: "If everyone quit eating meat, there'd be too many animals running around this planet." (the audience laughs)

"And what's wrong with that?" I say. It sounds like the kind of planet that I wanna be on. But one of the arguments, that the ones who eat meat say, is that there is this study that when wheat is grown, there is a high percentage of field-mice that are killed to grow the wheat. And summon to the study, that said: vegans kill more animals than meateaters, because of these fieldmice being killed for wheat.

But regardless - going glutenfree mostly means being wheatfree. Now in America that is very important, because of the monster evil Monsanto has made everything genetically modified. You are so smat - to not let GMO be here in Europe (GMO = Genetically Modified Foods).

But what I noticed, when I went wheatfree and became glutenfree, is that I lost a lot of weight just like that. In my chapter about bread in "Constant Craving" I talk about how people eat bread for comfort. That's especially true - if you eat hot bread with butter, it is comforting your feelings. It is like having a drink. And every former breat that you could tell me about, has a different emotional meaning. And when you eat a lot of wheat, it holds your emotions down.

Glutenfree Diet Sets Your Feelings Free And Opens Your Senses -
You Become Very Sensitive

So what I noticed when I became glutenfree - is that my emotions all came out. And I was forced to deal with them and face them.
I started to have pastlife memories. That actually answered a lot of questions I had about my life. I started to deal with a grief from losses I've had in my life. What I found as a glutenfree Vegan is, that I am extremely sensitive.

And so my readings are so accurate and detailed now. And the books I write happen by themselves almost, because I can hear this voice of the divine. I just write, what I am hearing. And I'm one of the lightworkers who reads the news - and watches the news, because I think it is important for us to be involved in the world's affairs. And I get two Types of news. The kind that I read and watch - and then they tell me the truth, what's really going on. It is troubeling, what's going on in this world right now.

Vegan Lifestye Is A Big Part Of The Cure For The World

But the angels say that we would … there is still time, there is still a lot of hope. And Veganism is a big part of the cure for the world.

I think that we have to work on the word "Veganer".

Because there are so many people who do not like that word vegan - have you noticed? I walked in a store here in Hamburg yesterday, and they said: "Why are you here in town? Why are you visiting" And I said: "I am here to lecture the Vegan Conference." And the man said: "Vegans!" Er sagte: "Well, they wear leather shoes - don't they?" And see, this is what people are always looking - to see inconsistencies in us. Because deep down they feel guilty for the way they are living and they think, we're judging them.

When I post about Veganism on facebook, I'm very often attacked for it. And the number one attack I get is from people who say that I'm judging them. But see, that's there own feelings projected onto me. They're judging themselves.

But what we have to watch is, that we don't perpetuate that stereotype of Vegans as being judgemental. We have to not be judgemental.

So - there are so many types of Vegans - as you know. There is fruitarians. There is those who will not have any kind of honey, or silk, or leather. There is vegans who won't eat anything that has yeast in it, because they don't wanna kill the yeast.

And what's troubeling is when the different types of vegans start to jugde each other. "You're not a good enough vegan, because you break this rule."

Let's Call it "Compassionate Living" instead of Veganism
A Life Free From The Causation Of Cruelties

So - instead of calling it Veganism, what I would love to see is - we call it "Compassionate Living"! Because that's really what we're about: we're about compassion.

Or cruelty free living. Because it's much more than a diet, what we eat.

We are here, to bring more kindness to this planet. And it is not only kindness to animals. It's got to be that kindness to other people.

We are here, to bring more kindness to this planet.
And it is not only kindness to animals.
It's got to be that kindness to other people.

CHINA - Number One Exporter For Leather from Stolen Dogs And Cats

So I'm one of the vegans who is leather free. But I don't judge people who wear leather. Because that wouldn't be very kind of me to judge. That would not be compassionate. But what I do is: I'm trying to educate. I'm trying to teach people. Because a lot of people think that leather just comes from cows, who are gonna die anyway for a "Hamburger". And what they don't realize is that this may have been how it used to be one time.

But these days - most leather products come from China. And China is the number one exporter to the world of all the leather. And it is not a byproduct of the meat industry. Animals are treated horribly and suffer for the leather.

And investigations by PETA have found, that a lot of leather products that come from China - do not come from cows or pigs. Over two Million dogs and cats are stolen from their pet owners every year in China. Because the Chinese leather manufactures have found a free source of leather by stealing people's pets. And they are skinning the poor dogs and cats alive - to get the fur and the leather off of them. (horrified reaction of the audience).

So if you still use leather products - I don't judge you - but I ask that you please make shure it is not from China. And you see - a lot of people don't know this. So if we could just spread this word. Because I don't know anyone who wants to wear dog boots. But that is what has been sold.

So if we could just spread this word !
Because I don't know anyone who wants to wear dog bo
But that is what has been sold.

And then - the vegan shoes - these are (she points at her shoes). But we - as compassionate people - we also have to make sure we're not buying vegan shoes from sweat-shops (comment: that have been produced under inhumane conditions. Because - yes - a cow didn' suffer to make those shoes - but maybe a little child is been forced to work 16 hours a day for hardly any money (comment: and mostly have to lead a very distressed, miserable and poverty life). So I am asking you to do some research. And we've got to make sure: shoes and our purses are not only vegan, but eco friendly. And they don't have to cost that much money. You can buy ecofriendly vegan shoes on ebay.

Because it is not only what you eat - but what you wear. If we wear the energy of suffering, it affects us energetically.

I see all of the solutions for this planet coming from compassionate living.

When You Become A Vegan, Your Mind And Thoughts Are Clear

When you become vegan and chemical free, your mind clears. And all the sudden you can see the truth ! The politicians don't like that very much! The money changers don't like that very much!
But think about a world of highly aware consumers, who have a lot of energy.

When you become a vegan - your self esteem and your confidence goes up. Because you know that you're doing the right thing! The number one factum that creates low self esteem is guilt, because you're doing something that you know you're not supposed to be doing.
It is not someone else judging you. But you judge yourself when you feel guilty.
(comment Regina: it means, that you feel the self judgment, when you feel guilty).

We Are Being Called To Live What We Talk

So in this new energy we are being called to walk or talk.

We are being called to do the right thing. We are being called to educate other persons and bring awareness of what's really going on. Right now is such an amazing time in Vegan History. There is more awareness and discussion about animal rights than I've ever seen before.

So you all know about the dolphins that are being slaughtered in Japan. And you probably know that the way that that's financed - is by: some of the dolphins being sold to aquariums and dolphin shows. And we're asking for everyone - from a compassion standpoint to not buy tickets to see dolphins in captivity.

The reason why animals suffer - is because of the focus on money. Those Dolphins are brutally murdered in Japan and other places, because the people who are doing it, only hear about money.
And we as consumers can fight back - by not giving them any money. And it's all of these kind of steps, that will unravel all of the cruelty in the world. And that includes sweat shops and animal suffering. They're both important.

Vegan Life Does Not Only Mean To Be Free Of Animal-Products
But It Means - To Be Free Of The Causation Of Cruelties!

Because veganism doesn't just mean being animal free. It means being crueltyfree!

It means being aware of everything! Including: is your makeup brush made out of fur - or not?! It means: taking the time to do the research to find out if the mints that you are eating are made from gelatin, which come from cow bone (comment: also calf bone and pork bone).
But all of this work that we're going through - and all of the discomfort from having people not understand you - is worth it. I've been travelling around the world since 1995 to 1996. And I speak in front of thousands of people every month. And in each audience I ask them the same question. I always ask audiences: "How many of you are getting intuition to change your diet?" And about 80% of my audiences everywhere around the world say they are getting messages to become more vegetarian or vegan.

So this is something that everyone knows deep down, that this is what would be best for them. And so it is important, we don't judge people who are still eating meat. Instead - we need to educate and encourage them.
Teach them to let go the fears about not getting enough protein. Where I am from in America "The American Dietetic Assiciation" has said that a vegan diet gives you plenty of protein, if it is well planned. Teach people please, that just a little bit in the direction of the veganism makes a difference.

Sir Paul McCartney Calls You To Join The Meat Free Mondays!
Paul, his wife Linda and daughter Stelle are making fabulous vegan shoes

For instance: Sir Paul McCartney - one of my heroes (the audience is laughing) - who's wife Linda and who's daughter Stella McCartney makes fabulous vegan shoes. Stella McCartney Boots are great! You don't have to look like a doubty hippie to have vegan shoes (the audience is laughing). You can be a glamorous vegan. Sir Paul McCartney at all of his concerts gives out brochures to everyone that comes to his concerts. And the brochure says: "Please join me in having meat free Mondays!" He says "Just one day a week go without meat!"

So it may be too much, to expect the whole world to be vegan right now, even though if that's what I want - and I see it for the future. But let's encourage people - little baby steps. Please join me in pledging as vegans - we're gonna be nice to people who eat meat. Let's let go with the stereotype that we're judgemental - ok! And that is true compassionate living!


Meditation with Archangel Raphael - the Angel for the Healing

I'd like to close with a meditation, please with a little bit of music. And I want to take you through the same process that helps me to let go all my cravings. This is a process I've done for thousands of people who've been successfully able to give up drugs, alcohol and different foods, with the help of the angels.
You have Angels with you right now - whether you believe in them or not. These Angels believe In you and they love you.
Every single person has angels - just like every single person has lungs and a heart.
"Angels - we call upon you now!" - "God - we now surrender to you our cravings for lover energy food and beverages. Anything that I would like to release right now, I'm giving to you!" - "Archangel Raphael, the angel of healing - and archangel Michael, the angel of strength: please dissolve my attachments to these addictive behaviors and substances. I now release any attachments of fear that I have - and any pleasure or benefits I received from these substances, I now replace with healthier choices. It is safe for me to be vegan. It is safe for me to let go of all animal products. It is safe for me to completely be cruelty free. It is safe for me to live a life completely that is compassionate and kind. And I ask the Angels to guide me, so that I can help others to understand how their eating is affecting them."

And if there is anything else you need help with - now would be a wonderful time to silently ask your angels and God for that help. And I ask that your heart will be healed, that you forgive yourself for anything you are holding on to, releasing guilt, and being free.

Let's take a deep breath together, please - and at the exhale let go of everything.

One - two - three…

Let it go…



This time has gone by so fast with you! I'm very much looking for to be at the second annual vegan conference here in Hamburg next year.
And I look for to meeting you at the book signing that I am going to do right now.

And I want to introduce you to a friend of mine, who travelled with me from America: Mister Radley Valentine. Radley can you come out! (the audience applaudes) . Look at the shoes - are they cute?! That's foe the arnel. So Radley and I created the angel tarot cards together. And we're on our way to Salzburg tomorrow. You're welcome to join us - the more vegans, the merrier. And we're giving an all day angel workshop there. You can ask Grete for more information. Wrage is putting it on. Radley and I are also teaching a certification course, called "Certified Angel Card Reader". It's an online course that you take from your computer. And it is fabulous! And it is very low priced, too! So you can find more information about that on facebook, by going to - in English - "Certified Angel Card Reader". We've got lots of exciting things going on. And we both look forward to meeting you.

We wanna thank you so much for your kind attention.

If you recorded, what I said today - feel free to put it wherever you want.

And together we're teaching - and spreading in the world:
o Vegan!

Vegan-Logo von Regina

Epilogue by Moderator Tom R. Schulz
Simultaneus translation on the Vegan Congress: von Birgit Maier.
Convertion into text and translation of the text: Regina Rau

Moderator Tom R. SchulzDoreen Virtue - thank you very much!
Regarding the invitation by Doreen Virtue to go to Salzburg with her tomorrow - I ask you - please only those should follow, who have mastered the art of bi-location (to be at two places at the same time)... because, if you go to Salzburg tomorrow - please also stay here, too - since tomorrow we are still in this Congress ! (the audience is laughing) It would be a great pitty, if we had to do it without you !

Many thanks to the superb simultaneous translation of Birgit Maier. (applause)

Foto: Regina Rau: Radley Valentine & Doreen Virtue o Foto: Regina Rau: Radley Valentine - Regina Rau - Doreen Virtue

Liebe heilt - Inhalt
Doreen Virtue Markus Rothkranz Rüdiger Dahlke Christian Vagedes
Bruno Weihsbrodt Ingrid Kraaz von Rohr Erwin Mischkin Regina F. Rau